Making Big Scary Decisions

Peter Adrian
Self Confidence
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2019


What I’m about to say is backwards from the way we’ve been taught to think. We were taught that the world is in command of our life — that we are trapped in our bodies and in our brains, and that we are at the mercy of circumstance.

I’m sharing with you the complete opposite. We in fact have our ABC’s inverted, reversed, inside-out and upside-down.

Your wellbeing can never be apart from you. It can be obscured by a thought of opposite nature, but it can never be lost. It is inherent to who you are, beyond space and time. Only a thought can block the realization of that fundamental truth. Only a thought can hold you away from your own wellbeing.

That means how you feel is purely a thinking thing. That means whatever actions you choose to take in life, how life affects you will only be a product of the different kind of thinking you’ll have after making the decision, which of course you have power over in every moment.

For example, if I quit my job in pursuit of my passion, the only thing that matters is whether I line up with that decision.

What does that mean?

If I quit my job, and then I start entertaining thoughts about all the ways in which I won’t be able to pay my bills, then I am looking away from my innate wellbeing. You can feel when a thought is opposing your innate wellbeing because it feels bad while you think it. While you think a thought opposing your default nature of wellbeing, it might occur to you that you made the wrong decision. In reality, you just didn’t line up with your decision.

If I quit my job, and I stay focussed on creating from my passion, then I am in line with the direction I’m choosing to go towards. I am open to the wellbeing that’s eternally and naturally flowing in me. I am listening for whispers from my deeper wisdom and allowing the kind of guidance to help me in creating what it is I want to create.

If I stay in my job, and I spend my time appreciating how much good it’s creating for me, I am in line with my wellbeing. I am accepting and opening up to all the good that’s coming to me. There is a fullness, a feeling of gratitude that transcends this world. It’s the same feeling as when you are creating from your passion. There is no difference. Only a change in appearance.

If I stay in my job, and I only think about how much I hate it, then I’m looking away from my wellbeing. I’m preventing my innate wellbeing from flowing in me. I’m obscuring my own sight of its eternal presence. In that situation I might think of how nice it would be to quit, but if I don’t understand that what I’m searching for is just a thought away, I will forever be stuck in this karmic loop. No matter where I go, I will be forever going in circles, searching for something outside that never was outside.

Think about the insignificant decisions you make every day. Like for example if you decide whether to take the bus or walk, or what colour shirt you’re going to wear, etc. Why don’t these decisions have an effect on your wellbeing? Simply because you just roll with them. You choose them, and then you don’t think about them.

If you wore a red shirt, and you spend the rest of the day thinking about how you should have worn a blue shirt, suddenly it matters. It matters because you think you made the wrong choice. But it’s still your own thinking, you see? You feel but a shadow of your moment-to-moment thinking. Thought creates feeling. You create thought.

We invented big and small decisions because in the faulty thinking system we think that when our circumstances change our wellbeing is affected. We think the way we feel is a product of circumstances, but it’s not. Thinking about a particular unpleasant circumstance but obscures your innate wellbeing, but that’s just a thought. This is not a partial truth. This is a full truth. Wellbeing is innate. You don’t need to work for it. You don’t need to suffer for it. It’s yours. It’s part of the very structure of your conscious existence beyond space and time. Before you dreamt this world into creation, it was yours. And it still is, because nothing has actually changed.

Whenever you make a decision, you’re changing the direction of the grand play of life. But you’re only changing backdrops, characters and scenery. The essence of beauty is always present underneath it all. You can never lose that. You can only sometimes obscure it.

No matter what decision you make, your wellbeing is never at stake. There’s no right or wrong way. It’s true that there’s right or wrong thinking if what you are seeking is inner peace, but thinking is a moment-to-moment thing, and it doesn’t depend on any circumstance.

Now there’s a flip side to this. It goes deeper. If your wellbeing is never at stake, it also means you have access to it right now. If it can’t leave, it means it never left. That means it’s here. That means that if you think one decision is better than the other because it will lead somewhere nicer than where you are right here and now, that means you’re still operating under that faulty thinking system. So long as you listen to that thinking, you obscure the presence of your own eternal wellbeing.

You’re still playing into the illusion that got it all wrong in the first place. You’re falling for a trick of the mind.

We often feel a sense of impending doom to make a decision right now because we think the choices we make actually matter. But even that feeling comes from thinking doom-thoughts. Our choices make no difference. It’s the quality of our thinking that makes all the difference, and (that) the quality of our thinking can always change in the blink of an eye.

Why doesn’t it matter?

The energy and intelligence of creation, which is love, expands in all directions, form and formless. It has no bounds. It has no limit. It is eternal and beyond time and space. The fact that you think your teeny little mind can put a little dark spot on eternal limitless love to begin with is insanity. It doesn’t matter if the dark spot is in the past or in the future, in one decision or in another, or even in this moment.

Where do the dark spots come from? Dark thinking. That’s it. So if you decide to do one thing and have some dark thoughts about having chosen it, that’s the only way in which a decision can affect you.

Here is not better than there. This is not better than that. Everything is an expression of the source of creation which is love. You are a part of that. If you understand this, if you understand that nothing can be lost, ever, and that wellbeing is your eternal birthright, then you have won the game of life. You have conquered fear forever.

When you understand that you can never lose what matters, and so nothing matters, then you are free to make a decision from a space of pure creativity, pure self-expression, total and absolute freedom.

Peter Adrian is a Canadian Life Coach, you can book a session with him here.



Peter Adrian
Self Confidence

Sharing insights that wake us up to our true nature. Book a coaching session at